Tag: The Wu

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    Picnic at Golden Gate Park. It was overcast, but that's no impediment to a picnic, physics experiments, and large stinging welt

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    I don't know what Christine is opening here. More importantly, Cassie is bringing uneaten french fries over to Sean, simply bec

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    Nothing's happening in this shot, so some observations: Sean looks like a child molester, in his sunglasses and Pac-Man shirt.

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    The little girl looks pretty cute here, but realistically? Not that bright.

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    Baby Rachel is a lot like The Bus, Jerome Bettis. She runs a few steps, then falls down and drops the ball. A drunken version

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    This is a lovely photo. The blossoms in the background match the highlights of Cassie's hair. Also, someone actually completed

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    I have no idea what the hell we're looking at here. I don't think it's a lost baby. Maybe it's the drunk girl who said her

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    Gene is explaining something. That something is juggling. Juggling one single orange. Whoa, slow down, guys!

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    I spoke too soon, as Cassie's orange falls into a cup of wine. KER-PLUNK!


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