doug and jacob

doug and jacob


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  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Jul-20 22:39:15 Anonymous coward said

    I swear that, in this picture, Doug looks like the owner of an art gallery who's hobnobbing at his exhibition. It looks like I've just told some sort of off-color and terribly inane joke, and Doug is giving me a humoring smile while trying to figure out how to quickly extricate himself so that he can go talk to Andy Warhol's neice.
  • Gene Wood on 2003-Jul-28 10:12:48 Gene Wood said

    "Why yes Mr. Corn, that piece is in the style of cubism..... That's why I titled it 'Cubist Dream'. Care for some more champagne?"

    "No, thank you Mr. Turnbull, my head is caught on this umbrella. I think I'll just stay here."

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