Tag: Sean

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    What could possibly go wrong, with Jason in particular?

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    The rubber band chain snapped and wounded Jason in the buttocks. Why, God, why?

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    Oh God, he's so young! And so attractive! Only in biting one's knuckle can one express one's grief.

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    Maybe if he'd been wearing Emalie's glasses, er, safety glasses!

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    The glasses are pretty big, after all.

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    Sean is pointing. Cassie is concurring. Kristen is staying out of it. Jason's ass still hurts.

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    Sean has no idea what is about to happen to his shins. Christine thinks he probably won't lose an eye.

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    Almost ready to launch the Brain Ball. But let's stretch it a little further...

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    Michele managed to capture the moment where the rubber band chain had snapped and hit Garrick in the balls (note Garrick on the


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